Code of Conduct

About- Lochan Prsad College Gumka

Code of Conduct


Code of Conduct for Administration

The Code of Conduct of Administration of Govt. Rani Avanti BaiLodhi   College applies to all members ofthe Governing Board and similar Management Bodies and Administrator of thecollege. The members –

1.     Shall carry out their functions with integrity, independence andgood faith and shall act in the best interests of the college.

2.     Shall act responsibly and fairly with the care, diligence,loyalty and prudence of a reasonable individual.

3.     Shall make every reasonable effort to avoid real or perceivedconflicts of interest.

4.     Shall respect the confidentiality of information received in theperformance of their duties as well as the confidentiality of the deliberationsin which they participate.

5.     Shall be impartial and should maintain complete transparency.

Code of Conduct for Principal

Principal, the Head of the College, is solely responsible foraddressing and resolving all issues concerned with the stakeholders ofeducation. The following professional conduct is expected from the Principal –

1.     Act with the highest standards of honesty and ethical conductwhile working on the college premises and at offsite locations such asworkshops, seminars and social events, or at any other place where the staffare representing the College.

2.     Avoid any activities that would involve stakeholders in anypractice that is not in compliance with the Vision and Mission of the College.

3.     Maintain transparency, good character and mannerisms in andoutside the college premises.

4.     Must respect the person, privacy of students, parents and staffmembers of the College.

5.     Should treat Students, Parents and Staff members with courtesyand sensitivity to their rights, duties and aspirations.

6.     Should respect the dignity, rights and opinions of staff membersand students.

7.     Shall not use the position and property of the institution forpersonal benefits.

8.     Maintain confidentiality of classified information.

9.     Do not seek favours or ex-gratia services from students,suppliers or contacts of college and university.

Code of Conduct Applicable To Employees – Teaching andNon-Teaching Staff

1.Every employeeshall be subjected to the general rules laid down by this Service Rules withregard to the discipline and conduct of the employees.

2.     Every employee shall shoulder the responsibility of maintainingproper discipline imparting value-based education and be instrumental in thecharacter formation of the students in accordance with the spirit and interestof the institution..

3.     No employee shall, except in accordance with any general orspecial order of the College or in the performance in good faith, of the dutiesassigned to him/ her, communicate directly or indirectly any official documentor any part thereof or information to any other person to whom she/he is notauthorized to communicate such documents or information.

4.     Every employee of the College shall at all times, conform to andabide by the rules of the College and shall observe, comply with and obey alllawful orders and directions which may, from time to time, be given to him/herin the course of official duties by any person or persons under whosejurisdiction, superintendence or control the employee may, for the time being,be placed.

Every employee of the College amongst others shall –

      Preserve exemplary moralcharacter, maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty and so live as tobe a credit to the institution and an inspiration to others, especially thestudent community.

      Faithfully dischargehis/her duties to the best of his/her abilities and abide by the rules andregulations of the institution and as per the instructions and guidance of thePrincipal who in turn implicitly and explicitly can supervise the work of theStaff.

      Show proper respect ascivilities to all persons having any dealings or connections with theinstitution.

      Organize and promote allcollege activities which foster a feeling of universal brotherhood amongstudents.

      Be regular and punctual inrespect of one’s duty and mark the attendance registers as per existingpractice in the institution.

      Devote the whole periodentrusted to him/her to teaching the subject matter. For this prior preparationis indispensable.

      The teaching staff shalldevote their time to develop and improve the academic status of the college andparticipate in organizing academic programs such as seminars, paperpresentations and research.

      Take his/her stand againstthe unhealthy and anti-social customs and practices in modern society andstrive his/her best to instil in the minds of students, the principles ofco-existence , co-operation, mutual respect, justice, service to society etc.

      Shall at all times conducthimself/herself soberly and temperately while on the College premises and showproper respect and civility to all concerned.

      Shall use his utmostendeavor's to promote the interests of the College and to maintain and promotethe good reputation thereof.

      Be a learner throughoutlife not only to enrich his/her own life, but also of those placed in his/hercare.

      In addition to the dutiesof teaching and allied activities every teacher shall strive to make themselvesavailable to the students/College and management by organising useful andrelevant programmes, add-on courses, skill development programmes etc.

      Be impartial in his/her relationswith the pupils and be sympathetic and helpful to less fortunate and thebackward ones.

      Submit in writing his/herpermanent as well as present mailing address to the Manager at the joining. Anychange of the address has to be duly informed.

      Teaching faculty takingleave shall arrange classes with the consent of Head of the department.

      All leave applications onshould be duly recommended by the Head of the Department or leave may not besanctioned. The Head of the Department shall seek permission for their leavefrom the Principal.

      Before leaving forholidays or employment, all records shall be kept up-to-date by the staffandthe library books, textbooks any teaching aids that are issued should bereturned to the Department or to the Librarian before drawing the salary. Onfailure to do so, the cost shall be recovered from the employee from his/heremolument, be it salary or terminal benefits.

      All staff members shallhelp the College authorities to maintain discipline and inculcate good habits.

Every employee of the College amongst others shall not-

      Knowingly or wilfullyneglect his/her duties or express words or action of insubordination ordisobedience on a reasonable order or discharge of duty.

      Keep in person or take outof the college, any document of the institution either original or copieswithout an explained written permission of the Principal.

      Keep in person or take outof the college, any equipment or material without an explained writtenpermission of the Principal.

      Represent the collegewithout the written permission of Principal.

      Sign any document orfinancial vouchers on behalf of the institution unless authorised in writing bythe Principal.

      Ordinarily be permitted tobring their children to college during working hours. Prior permission shall betaken from the Principal in case of emergency.

      Cancel any class withoutprior permission of the Head of the Institution.

      Discriminate againststudents on grounds of caste, creed and place of origin, political, social,religious, cultural, linguistic backgrounds or for other reasons.

      Incite students againstother students or teachers, colleagues or the Management.

      Approach the higherauthorities of the Institution or Government in connection with any matterconnected with the College except through the Principal.

      Apply for or accept anyjob of remunerative character from any sources other than College.

      Organise or attend anymeeting during the College hours in the College premises except when permittedby the Head of the Institution.

      Give corporal punishments.

      Take students forpicnics/tours/party etc. without the permission of the Head of the Institution.Engage in any other business, trade, occupation, private tuition, service ofany nature whether full-time, part-time, honorary or advisory and further willnot hold any office of profit or participate in any commission or agency ofsuch business directly or indirectly. Written permission from the Principalshall be obtained if any employee would like to engage in above said activitieswhich are not against the interest of the College.

      Ask for or accept anycontribution or otherwise, associate himself/herself with raising funds ormaking any collection whether in cash or kind.

      Enter into monetarytransactions with students or their parent and exploit his/her influence forpersonal benefits.

      Striking work alone or incombination with other employees or inciting them to strike work incontravention of the provisions of any law or rules having the force of law.

      Engage in any actprejudicial to the interests of the College or Management.